National Infotech College

The 10 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

By National Infotech College

Do you want to know which is the most widely used and best programming languages to learn in 2023? If you’re new to software development, the hardest part of learning programming is deciding where to start. In modern programming, there are hundreds of languages that are widely used. Each has its own complexities and idiosyncrasies.

The good news is that you’ll begin to discover which programming language fits your interests and career goals from the moment you start working as a software developer.

The list below includes the best and most in-demand programming languages for many of the most common use cases including web development, mobile development, game development, and mo

The Most Popular Programming Languages

The most popular programming languages can be easily tracked if you refer to the past Stack Overflow reports, which were published in 2020-2022. This information will naturally show a high correlation with the most widely taught programming languages.

The reason for this is that software engineers begin by learning the fundamentals of any software development field before learning any new ones. Because of this JavaScript has maintained its dominance as the most widely used and popular programming language for the last ten years.

Let’s have a look at some additional Stack Overflow statistics on various programming languages.


Nowadays, it’s impossible to be a software developer without using JavaScript in some way. According to the Stack Overflow Survey 2020, JavaScript is the most popular programming language among developers for the eighth consecutive year.

The survey respondents revealed that nearly 70 percent of them had used JavaScript as a programming language in the last year. It is also the best programming languages to learn in 2023.

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in use today, powering websites with millions of users. Although it may not be present in your browser bar, JavaScript is running behind the scenes for nearly every website you interact with on a daily basis. In fact, a recent study found that over 90% of all non-mobile websites now use JavaScript.

It is one of the three core technologies in Web development (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) required for designing and developing interactive websites. It is a client-side scripting language that helps in building user interfaces for dynamic web pages.

It is considered to be an essential part of front-end web development, along with HTML and CSS. The majority of the Web’s most popular sites rely on JavaScript to build interactive pages and dynamically display content to users, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, or YouTube.

Although JavaScript is mostly a front-end language that runs on the browser, it can also be used server-side such as via Node.js to build network applications that scale. The Node.js framework is compatible with Linux, SunOS, Mac OS X, and Windows.

JavaScript, which is code that runs in a web browser, was originally designed to make web pages interactive. And its functionality has expanded over the years. JavaScript is now used for things like form validation, error handling, and accessing ports on embedded devices. It can also be used to create small applications and programs and sometimes entire websites.


In case you know Java—a classic language in its own right—it’s worthwhile taking a look at its more modern cousin, Scala. In Scala, the advantages of Java are combined with a modern twist, including the Object-Oriented structure of Java and the lightning-fast JVM runtime environment.

Scala is a modern programming language which compiles to Java bytecode and functions as a “JVM Language” – meaning you can use Scala code in conjunction with any JVM-supported language, including Java. This makes it (theoretically) easier for novice Java developers to become acquainted with Scala because of the similarities between the two languages.

Scala allows engineers to elevate their code to the level of pure math using a functional programming language. Scala allows for concurrent programming (the processing of multiple tasks simultaneously), allowing complex procedures to be executed in parallel.

Furthermore, it is a strongly typed language. This means that variables and parameters are by default preset to a certain type that cannot be changed later on within the program.

Engineering teams can create and customize their own data types, allowing them the peace of mind of knowing that entire swaths of bugs are virtually impossible to introduce at runtime. It is also the best programming languages to learn in 2023.


The Swift programming language is a good place to start if you’re interested in Apple products and mobile app development. Swift, first announced by Apple in 2014, is a relatively new programming language used to develop iOS and macOS applications.

Swift is designed to be familiar, with syntax inspired by Objective-C, C++, Python and Ruby. For developers who have used other programming languages before, Swift will feel comfortable and easy to pick up.

Developed by Apple, Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language. Designed with safety and readability in mind, Swift code is easier to write, maintain, and read than traditional Objective-C.

The Swift programming language is developed from the ground up for performance, and it is redesigned for modern iOS development. Not only does iOS run on every iPhone and iPad, but it is also the basis for other operating systems, such as watchOS (for Apple Watches) and tvOS (for Apple TVs).

Further, Apple will continue to dominate the tech industry and its iOS apps will remain the highest-grossing apps in the mobile app marketplace.

Swift is a powerful, yet playful language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. The syntax is concise but expressive, the apps run lightning speed, and writing code is interactive and fun. The Swift language is a powerful and easy-to-use choice for your next iOS or OS X project. It works well with Objective-C code. It is also the best programming languages to learn in 2023.


If you’re new to the world of programming, Python is probably a good place to start. Not only does it have an elegant syntax, but the language itself is also quite intuitive — especially for new coders. And, of course, there are plenty of other reasons to learn Python, but those are some of its greatest assets.

The Python language was conceived in the late 80s, in the midst of the computing boom, as Guido van Rossum began writing code for a new video game. As it rapidly evolved over the years, Python became a staple for online and mobile app development. Only recently has it gained popularity with web developers.

Python is a general-purpose programming language, often seen as the “C++ of the web” for its Python-centric frameworks (nearly every major framework is written in Python, with Django being the best known). It can be used for a wide range of applications, including websites, desktop related applications, server side code and scientific development.

Like Python, Java has a multitude of applications. But instead of being a back end web language like Python, it is popular for use with software development kits (SDKs), mobile app development, video gaming, and pretty much anything you can think of that requires cross-platform functionality.

The Python programming language also includes packages like NumPy and SciPy that are frequently used in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering. Some Python libraries, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, and OpenCV, are used to build programs in data science, machine learning, image processing, and computer vision.

A number of Python’s scientific and data applications make it an excellent choice for the academically inclined.

Python is one of the best programming languages to learn in 2023. Python also provides tools that simplify program development, e.g., a compiler (pyc), an interpreter (python), the EPD (Python Distutils), and packaging tools (setuptools, PEP)


JetBrains introduced the cross-platform programming language Kotlin in 2016. Due to its compatibility with Java, it operates seamlessly on the JVM. The programming language is frequently used to create many different kinds of applications such as web apps, android apps, desktop programs, and server-side programs.

Many software developers use this programming language because they adhere to the main Kotlin idea that it is superior to Java. During Google I/O 2017, Kotlin was formally introduced for Android development as the first programming language, and since then, the integration has only improved. It is also the best programming languages to learn in 2023.


Go is one of the core languages favored by Google. It’s a general-purpose language created by, and for, programmers. Its functionality is similar to C and C++: fast execution, efficient memory management, low-level access to memory, and native compilation.

Go (also known as Golang) is one of the most popular trending programming languages today. Google even uses the language for its own projects, such as Docker and Google Maps. If you want to create web servers, data pipelines, and machine-learning packages, then Go is the programming language for you.

As a compiled language, Go runs “close to the metal,” allowing for a blazing-fast runtime. It’s an open-source language, and ambitious developers can see their personal contributions adopted and enjoyed by programmers worldwide. Plus, there are many interesting opportunities to use Go online as a server-side or even in a mobile application.


Elm is an increasingly trendy language that has captured the creativity and ingenuity of enthusiasts in the JavaScript community. What began as a Harvard student’s thesis project has snowballed into a full-fledged language embraced by front-end developers around the world.

Elm is a functional language which runs on the browser, it is a compile time language which has similarities to Haskell. So in essence it’s one of the youngest languages on the list and yet has been supported by its large community for over three years, Elm is now consistently making headlines as the new skill to develop with.

It is a client-side language that compiles to JavaScript, making it ideal for developing fast-running UIs without errors at runtime. Elm is a functional programming language that’s just as comfortable writing HTML code as it is JavaScript. 

The Elm Architecture, called Elm for short, is a set of best practices for building composable and reliable front-end web app interfaces. it is also regarded as the  best programming languages to learn in 2023.

 Its associated architecture have had a significant effect on the development community. Many of the concepts from the Elm architecture have been incorporated into the Redux library, which has become widely used across the web in both production and development tools.


Ruby is another scripting language that’s commonly used for web development. In particular, it’s used as the basis for the popular Ruby on Rails web application framework.

The welcoming Ruby community, combined with the fact that learning and reading Ruby can be fun and fulfilling for developers who have a passion for programming, are attributes that make up just two of the reasons why many prefer Ruby to other programming languages.

But although the language and its environment are both great resources to help you learn to code, it is undeniably true that the language itself is not necessarily the easiest for beginners to learn. Some might say that Ruby’s syntax, structure, and design make it difficult to learn.

Ruby can be used to make a wide variety of web applications, but it’s most commonly used for web development. In particular, because Ruby is the under-pinning language used by the popular Ruby on Rails web application framework.

Additionally to the active community and straightforward syntax, Ruby is a good language to learn thanks to its association with great tech businesses. All of these companies have used Ruby on Rails in the past, including Airbnb, Bloomberg, Shopify, and an countless number of others.


As with C++, C# is an object-oriented language (pronounced C Sharp) built on the C foundations. It was originally made by Microsoft as part of the .NET framework for building Windows applications.

C# uses syntax that’s similar to the syntax of other C-derived languages such as C++, so it’s easy to pick up if you’re coming from another language in the C family. Besides being the go-to language for Microsoft app development, C# is also the language used by mobile software developers to develop cross-platform apps on the Xamarin platform.

C# is widely used to develop desktop applications, web applications, and web services. This software is used to build Microsoft applications on a large scale. C# is also used in Unity game development.

C sharp is a simple language but being one of the most powerful programming languages that have greater features than other languages.

A person who intends to develop VR should also consider learning C#. C# is a commonly used language to build video games in 3D and 2D using Unity, which uses the popular game engine to make one-third of the top-selling games on the market. It is also the best programming language to learn in 2023.


Even though Rust is one of the newest languages on this list, that doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile language to learn. According to the Stack Overflow 2020 Developer Survey, Rust is the most popular programming language among developers for the fifth year in a row. 86.1 percent said they would like to continue using it.

Mozilla Corporation developed Rust and it, like C and C++, is intended for low-level systems programming. However, what Rust adds to the mix is an emphasis on speed and security. It stresses the writing of “safe code” by preventing programs from accessing memory that they shouldn’t, which can lead to unexpected behavior and system crashes.

Rust is a programming language that’s designed to be a safe, fast tool for building applications that require speed and high-level control. It is used primarily for systems programming in many crucial facets of software, including massive multiplayer online (MMO) games.

In fact, according to the Stack Overflow Survey, Rust is the fourth most popular language for gaming today, sitting behind C, C++ and Java. Rust is also one of the best programming languages to learn in 2023.

Rust has such advantages that other big tech companies, like Dropbox and Coursera, have started to use it internally. It may be harder to master than other beginner languages, but Rust programming skills are likely to pay off handsomely, as the language’s popularity is only set to grow in the near future.

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